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Are Your Air Ducts Responsible for Your Dirty Carpets?

Are Your Air Ducts Responsible for Your Dirty Carpets?

Have you noticed that the air in your home is feeling dirty lately? Have you seen more dust on your furniture? Does it seem like your vacuum is collecting a lot more than it used to when you clean your carpets? Chances are your air ducts could be the problem. It’s probably time for an air duct cleaning.

So how could your air ducts make your carpets dirtier? Well, for starters, your carpet is one of the biggest filters in your home for dust and debris. It’s also one of the largest culprits of dirty air. But all that dirty air has to come from somewhere. And a lot of it is likely coming from your air ducts.

Over time, your air ducts start to collect dust, pollens, allergens and other nasty stuff. Whenever your HVAC system works all those things get pushed through your air ducts and into your home. The dirty air eventually settles in your carpet. If your ducts have a lot of built-up junk then your carpets are going to get dirtier, faster.

Therefore, by cleaning your air ducts, you can help reduce the amount of dust and other debris that settles into your carpets. That means less time cleaning. It also means breathing cleaner air.

If you want to learn more about air duct cleaning, then click here. You can also contact us with any questions or to set up an appointment, by clicking here, or give us a call in Vancouver at 360-852-6212 and in Portland at 503-208-8351.

Posted on by Better Air Northwest
Are Your Air Ducts Responsible for Your Dirty Carpets?

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