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Top Tips to Breathe Better Air in Your Home – Portland Air Duct Cleaning

Every moment of every day, you are breathing in the air around you. So, the air you breathe is obviously important. If you spend your time surrounded by dirty air, then your lungs are going to be full of dirty air.

Most people spend a lot of time in their homes, especially over the past year and a half during the pandemic. However, most people don’t think about the air inside their homes, and whether it’s clean. But you should.

While most people probably think the air in their homes is relatively clean, the truth is, it can be just the opposite. The good news is there are steps you can take to keep the air in your home in Portland or Vancouver cleaner.

These tips are simple, but a lot of people overlook them.

1. Control the moisture level in your home. This helps prevent mold and mildew.

2. Keep your home clean and well ventilated. Vacuuming and dusting regularly keeps dust levels down. 

3. Get your air ducts cleaned. This keeps the air being pushed throughout your entire home clean. That means the air you breathe every day is clean.

So, if you want to breathe better air, then follow these simple steps. And give Better Air Northwest a call for the most trusted air duct cleaning company in the northwest. Call 503-208-8351 in Portland or 360-852-6212 in Vancouver. Or click here to contact us online.

Posted on by Better Air Northwest
Top Tips to Breathe Better Air in Your Home – Portland Air Duct Cleaning

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