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Is it Time to Get My Dryer Vent Cleaned?

March is already over, which means spring is here and that means warmer weather is on the way in. While it still might take a while for those regular warm sunny days to appear in the Pacific Northwest, many people have put their big coats and bulky sweaters away for another year, in exchange for lighter jackets and hoodies. But this is not a fashion blog, so what does winter clothing have to do with air duct cleaning and dryer vents?

While all that cold-weather clothing helped you stay toasty throughout this frigid winter we just experienced, there is a negative side to all wearing all those items. You have to wash and dry them, which means both your washer ad dryer have been working harder fro the last several months. So without you even giving it a second thought, you might have increased the risk of fire in your home. That’s because the more lint that builds up from your clothing the more likely you are to get a clogged dryer vent.

When your dryer vent gets clogged you end up with a greater fire hazard. So, when should you get your dryer vent cleaned? If you haven’t had it cleaned by a professional within the last year, then now is a good time to have this service done. A clean dryer vent means a reduced risk of fire, a more efficient dryer and a smaller energy bill because your dryer doesn’t have to work as hard. So yes, now is a very good time to get your dryer vent cleaned.

Just contact Better Air Northwest at 503-208-8351 in Portland or at 360-852-6212 in Vancouver. You can also click here to connect with us online and schedule your appointment today.

Posted on by Better Air Northwest
Is it Time to Get My Dryer Vent Cleaned?

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